Thursday, August 4, 2011

Genius Discussion: Campaigning

Sorry for the lack of post on Saturday. Technical issues caused me to lose the post, and I was so disheartened by it, that I couldn't bring myself to look up all of the information again. That being said, I'm taking today's post in a completely different direction anyway, so it's actually a win.

Hopefully you've gotten to a point in the book where Oliver is starting to think about his campaign strategies. Running for an office --whether for school, a club, or even an actual politcal office is hard to work! And that's before you even get any of the responsibilities! Did you know that Presidental Campaigns actually "begin" 2 years before the actual election? And we vote for our President every four years!

I thought it would be fun to find some campaign videos from yesteryear. One of my favorites is for Eisenhower's campagin, in 1952. I wish politicans still put out such catchy tunes!

Here's two more, including Kennedy's and Nixon's (1972)


This is a more recent ad from Mike Hickabee, featuring Chuck Norris. It was too funny not to share with you!

So, what should you do if you want to run for office at your school? Well, there are actually few books to help you out --but I did find one called "How to Win a High School Election" by Jeff Marx  (ISBN: 978-0966782400). It isn't in the MORE system, but if you're interested in reading it, there is always the Suggestion button on the MORE website, or talk to your librarian. Or, there is an online verision of the book.

There are a few websites out there to help you out as well including:

Killer Campaigning, which devoted two posts regarding high school elections including one on Slogan ideas and the other on Strategies to Win.

WikiHow has a "How to Become Class President" page.

And Penguin Books also has a how-to on campaigning.

If none of those things seem to work out for you though, you could always take a cue from a movie, like Napoleon Dynamite (starring Jon Heder) or Election (starring Reece Witherspoon)


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