Saturday, July 9, 2011

Fairest Discussion: Self-Identity

Hopefully by now, you're at least part-way through the book. Even from the very beginning, it's obvious that Aza's biggest hang-up is the way she looks. She describes herself as having black hair (actually a very pretty black called htun, according to the Gnomes), milky skin badly contrasted with her bright red lips. For Aza, she has grown up, always hiding her face and trying her best to go unnoticed.
It isn't until she gets to Ontio Castle, a place where she feels she will be most noticed and ridiculed, that she finally finds people who look past her looks --or so she hopes.

Last week, I mentioned my new favorite show: Glee! And fortunately for me, the subtexts of the show fit in perfectly with this story. Every character has something about them, usually a physical trait, that they don't like. Throughout the episode, "Born This Way" (another homage episode to Lady Gaga), Rachel (the self-proclaimed star of Glee club), considers whether or not to get a nose job after an accident brings to light that she’s a great candidate for the procedure. Mr. Shuester encourages the Glee kids to print the thing that they don’t like/are ridiculed most about themselves on white t-shirts to wear during the big number.

While everyone in glee club agrees that there are parts of them that they don’t like, none of them thinks that Rachel should change the way that she looks. Kurt takes her to the mall, where a flash mob dances to “Barbara Streisand” by Duck Sauce –Barbara being Rachel’s ultimate idol who never let the poshness of Hollywood and Broadway pressure her into changing her own unique nose.

Below is the full performance of "Born This Way"

If you were a Glee member, what would your t-shirt have said? Do you think comparing Aza’s feelings towards her appearance are similar to Rachel’s experiences in the episode (if you’ve seen it; also available on Hulu).

Aside from Glee, how are you liking the book so far? Do you find Aza to be a relatable character? Who is your favorite side character so far? Do you like Prince Ijori? What about Queen Ivi?

As usual, share any tidbits, other links, videos, or your thoughts on the book so far in the comments.


1 comment:

  1. Here's a link to the episode on Hulu:
