Tuesday, June 14, 2011

What would you collect?

To go along with Samma's information on Babe Ruth, Baseball Cards, and the idea of collecting, I've found a presentation which provides further information on collections. What items make a good collection? Do you have to spend a lot of money to gather a collection? What are some fun things that people have collected over the years? The Smithsonian has put together a lot of information on the topic. 

Personally, I have collected many things over the years: stamps, buttons, frogs...although nothing has been for more than just an enjoyment of looking at each item.  (Meaning, there is nothing worth money--like a Babe Ruth baseball card.)

1 comment:

  1. I've got a few collections as well...books, Harry Potter memorabilia, Salt and Pepper Shakers (I have well over 100 sets, and some will be worth quite a bit of money one day!), and Happy/Kids Meal Toys.

    While most of my toys aren't worth much, especially since I picked most of them up at Savers or Goodwill, they're fun to collect and display. I expecially like my Rugrats and Nicktoon toys.
